7/19/12: Courtesy of YNN. Erie County Legislators are at odds over how to handle a budget shortfall this year. BUFFALO, NY — Erie County Legislators are at odds over how to handle a budget shortfall this year. Republicans said they want the county to borrow money through the fiscal stability board in order to get a better interest rate. Democrats back County Executive Mark Poloncarz, who believes that the county should be the borrower to improve its credit rating. Earlier this week, Poloncarz warned that the county was facing a possible $50 million budget shortfall, but not all Republicans believe that the situation is that dire. “I think that we are in far better shape than is suggested right now,” said legislator Lynne Dixon, (R). “We do still believe that we can save nearly three million dollars by the fiscal stability board to do the borrowing on behalf of the county.” The budget shortfall wasn’t mentioned Thursday during the Legislature’s final meeting of the summer. However, legislators can be called back for a special session. buffalo.ynn.com

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