11-18-11: Courtesy of YNN. As we near the end of 2011, the Erie County Legislature is working on the budget for 2012. As YNN’s Kaitlyn Lionti reports, County Comptroller and Executive-Elect Mark Poloncarz went before a legislature committee Friday to give his recommendations for what that budget should look like. BUFFALO, NY — Erie County Executive-Elect Mark Poloncarz met with the county legislature’s Finance, Management and Budget Committee Friday. He gave his input on incumbent County Executive Chris Collins’ proposed 2012 budget. Poloncarz started with recommending cuts to the proposal, in areas such as the risk retention fund, some fringe benefit lines, and an allocation for the comptroller’s office — that he says were overestimated. “We’re talking about total cuts of at least $4.9 million, and this does not even look at some jobs that be better utilized in county government. This is just larger, full amounts that are associated with lines that we know are over budgeted and should be reduced,” said Poloncarz. Poloncarz also identified some priorities he has for the 2012 budget, such as restoring seven positions the comptroller’s office, giving cost of living increases to assistant district attorneys, restoring Rodent Control and the position of EMS deputy commissioner. He also mentioned the possibility of restoring social services jobs. “We’ve looked at the cost associated with restoring the 97 occupied positions currently slated for elimination. The total cost is …

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