1-3-12: Courtesy of WIVB. The new county executive wants a deal with the Bills on lease negotiations over the county-owned Ralph Wilson Stadium. And Tuesday, Mark Poloncarz got the ball rolling. As his first order of business as county executive, Poloncarz signed an order directing the county to seek private attorneys to help negotiate a new lease with the Bills. “It’s pretty heavy, and I expect the next lease to probably be even bigger than this. There’s only one more year on the lease. I want to ensure as best as possible that this lease is negotiated by the end of 2012,” said Poloncarz. Former county executive Joel Giambra called it the right move by Poloncarz to seek outside legal help in dealing with a complex lease agreement. Giambra said, “I think it’s very judicious on the county executive’s part to bring in outside counsel to help him through these negotiations. It’s not going to be an easy negotiation.” Poloncarz also took aim at industrial development agencies (IDA) in the area, saying the current system is broken and in need of consolidation. Poloncarz is calling for a one-stop shop. “You can’t force it on them. You can’t force them to go out of business. But what you can do is talk to them, ensure that things are done in a better manner,” said Poloncarz. Since an IDA consolidation would require changes in state law, Giambra thinks the timing is right. Giambra said, “You have a county executive who believes in the need for change there and you have a governor

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